Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Mollie Painter-Morland, Associate Professor
University of Pretoria
Department of Philosophy

Mollie Painter-Morland, Associate Professor
DePaul University
Department of Philosophy

Mariolina Pais Marden, Lecturer
University of Wollongong
School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages

Bonnie Paller, Associate Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of Philosophy

Japa Pallikkathayil, Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Philosophy

Clare Palmer, Associate Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Philosophy

Daniel Palmer, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
Department of Philosophy

Eric Palmer, Professor
Allegheny College
Department of Philosophy

Matthew Pamental, Instructor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Philosophy

Claude Panaccio, Emeritus Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Philosophy

ANTOINE PANAIOTI, Assistant Professor
Ryerson University
Department of Philosophy

Prasasti Pandit, Assistant Professor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Philosophy

Rashmika Pandya, Assistant Professor
American University in Cairo
Department of Philosophy

Lawrence Pang, Lecturer
University of Notre Dame Australia
School of Philosophy and Theology

Ann Pang-White, Professor
University of Scranton
Department of Philosophy


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