Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Emily Parker, Associate Professor
Towson University
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Rodney Parker, Assistant Professor
College Universitaire Dominicaine
Department of Philosophy

Jamie Parr, Lecturer
Australian Catholic University
School of Philosophy (Strathfield)

Katharine E. Parr, Professor
University of Windsor
Department of Philosophy

Charles Parsons, Professor Emeritus
Harvard University
Department of Philosophy

Graham Parsons, Associate Professor
United States Military Academy
Department of English And Philosophy

Jonathan Parsons, Adjunct Professor
Calvin College
Department of Philosophy

Barbara H. Partee, Distinguished Professor Emeritus
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Philosophy

John Partridge, Assistant Professor
Wheaton College, Massachusetts
Department of Philosophy

Adi Parush, Professor
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department Of Philosophy

Assya Pascalev, Associate Professor
Howard University
Department of Philosophy

JORDAN PASCOE, Associate Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Philosophy

Matthew R. Paskell, Visiting Lecturer
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Dan Passell, Professor
Portland State University
Department of Philosophy

Emilie Passow, Professor
Drexel University
Department of English and Philosophy


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