Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Jeffrey REID, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Philosophy

David Reidy, Associate Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of Philosophy

Michael S. Reidy, Assistant Professor
Montana State University
Department of History and Philosophy

Andreas Reif, Lecturer
Saint Anselm College
Department of Philosophy

Jeffrey Reiman, Professor
American University
Department of Philosophy

Nathan Rein, Associate Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Jenna Reinbold, Associate Professor
Colgate University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Eric Reitan, Associate Professor
Oklahoma State University
Department of Philosophy

Regan Reitsma, Professor
King's College
Department of Philosophy

Ron Rembert, Associate Professor
Wilmington College, Wilmington Ohio
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Morgan Rempel, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Mississippi
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Caroline Renaud, Lecturer
Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics

Summer Renault-Steele, Lecturer
George Washington University
Department of Philosophy

Penny S. Repetti, Lecturer
Brooklyn College
Department of Philosophy

Aron Reppmann, Professor
Trinity Christian College
Department of Philosophy


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