Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

GREGORY SALMIERI, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Philosophy

David Salomon, Professor
Christopher Newport University
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Greg Salyer, Lecturer
Rutgers University at Camden
School of Humanities

Matthew Salyer, Associate Professor
United States Military Academy
Department of English And Philosophy

Thanassis Samaras, Lecturer
George Washington University
Department of Philosophy

Elizabeth Samet, Professor
United States Military Academy
Department of English And Philosophy

Jerry Samet, Associate Professor
Brandeis University
Department of Philosophy

Ruth Sample, Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Philosophy

Marwyn Samuels, Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of East Asian Studies

Machessa K. Samz, Assistant Professor
Nazareth College
Department of Philosophy

SHEILA F. SANDAPEN, Assistant Professor
Drexel University
Department of English and Philosophy

Eric Sanday, Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Philosophy

Steven M. Sanders, Emeritus Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Philosophy

Ronald Sandler, Assistant Professor
Northeastern University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Anthony Sandusky, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie


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