Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Kelly E. Schenke
Franklin and Marshall College
Department of Philosophy

Donald Scherer, Professor Emeritus
Bowling Green State University
Department of Philosophy

GREG SCHERKOSKE, Associate Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Philosophy

JONATHAN D. SCHICK, Adjunct Professor
University of North Texas
Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies

Theodore Schick, Professor
Muhlenberg College
Department of Philosophy

Kevin P Schieman, Professor
United States Military Academy
Department of English And Philosophy

Stephen Schiffer, Professor
New York University
Department of Philosophy

Jerome Schiller, Emeritus Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Philosophy

Lisette Schillig, Professor
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Department of English and Philosophy

Haley E. Schilling, Visiting Assistant Professor
Bates College
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Claudia Schippert, Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
Department of Philosophy

Yair Schlein, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department Of Philosophy

Yair Schlein, Lecturer
The Open University of Israel
Department of Philosophy

Julian Schlöder, Research Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Philosophy

Tad M Schmaltz, Professor
Duke University
Department of Philosophy


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