Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Edward Siecienski, Professor
Stockton University
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Wilfried Sieg, Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Philosophy

Fred Siegel, Professor
Drexel University
Department of English and Philosophy

Fred Siegel, Professor
Drexel University
Department of English and Philosophy

Harvey Siegel, Professor
University of Miami
Department of Philosophy

Susanna Siegel, Associate Professor
Harvard University
Department of Philosophy

Donald Sievert, Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Philosophy

Charles Siewert, Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Philosophy

Sonia SIKKA, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Philosophy

Richard Sikora, Instructor
University of British Columbia
Department of Philosophy

Levent SIKYAZAR, Lecturer
Anadolu University
Department of Philosophy

Michael D Silberstein, Professor
Elizabethtown College
Department of Politics, Philosophy and Legal Studies

YILDIZ SILIER, Assistant Professor
Bogazici University
Department of Philosophy

Nicholas Silins, Professor
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Matthew Silk, Adjunct Instructor
University of Waterloo
Department of Philosophy


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