Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Daniel J. Singer, Associate Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy

Ira J. Singer, Associate Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

R. Raj Singh, Professor
Brock University
Department of Philosophy

Surti Singh, Assistant Professor
Villanova University
Department of Philosophy

Surti Singh, Assistant Professor
American University in Cairo
Department of Philosophy

Richard Singleton
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Philosophy

Rachel Singpurwalla, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Philosophy

Robert Sinnerbrink, Lecturer
Macquarie University
Department of Philosophy

David Sipfle, Professor Emeritus
Carleton College
Department of Philosophy

Riin Sirkel, Associate Professor
University of Vermont
Department of Philosophy

Sergio Sismondo, Professor
Queen's University
Department of Philosophy

Christine Sistare, Professor
Muhlenberg College
Department of Philosophy

Laura Sizer, Senior Lecturer
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Philosophy

Jonathan Skaff
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
School of Humanities

Brian Skelly, Adjunct Professor
University of Hartford
Department of Philosophy


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