Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Reed Solomon, Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Philosophy

Lawrence Solum, John E. Cribbet Professor Of Law And Professor Of Philosophy
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Philosophy

Bligh Somma, Assistant Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Brooks Sommerville, Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
Department of Philosophy

Bin Song, Assistant Professor
Washington College
Department of Philosophy And Religion

Edward Song, Professor
Westmont College
Department of Philosophy

Jijie SONG, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University
Department of Philosophy

Jingyi Song, Professor
State University of New York College at Old Westbury
Department of History & Philosophy

Lingshan Song, Professor
Mississippi College
Department of English and Philosophy

Yujia Song, Associate Professor
Salisbury University
School of Humanities

Yun Woo Song, Lecturer
American University
Department of Philosophy

Frederick Sontag, Professor
Pomona College
Department of Philosophy

Francis Y. K. Soo, Associate Professor
Boston College
Department of Philosophy

David Sorensen, Lecturer
Rutgers University
Department of Philosophy

Kelly Sorensen, Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


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