Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Eva Thury, Professor
Drexel University
Department of English and Philosophy

Valerie Tiberius, Associate Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Philosophy

University of Memphis
Department of Philosophy

Richard J. Tierney, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Philosophy

Evan Tiffany, Assistant Professor
Simon Fraser University
Department of Philosophy

Heidi Tighe, Instructor
Idaho State University
Department of English & Philosophy

Elizabeth Tillar, Lecturer
Plymouth State University
Department of Philosophy

Michaela Tiller, Visiting Assistant Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Philosophy

Travis Timmerman, Associate Professor
Seton Hall University
Department of Philosophy

Kevin Timpe, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Philosophy

Christopher Tindale, Professor
University of Windsor
Department of Philosophy

Katherine Tirabassi
Keene State College
Department of Communication and Philosophy

Lynne Tirrell, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Philosophy

Justin Tiwald, Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of Philosophy

Jeffrey Tlumak, Associate Professor
Vanderbilt University
Department of Philosophy


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