Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Joseph Trullinger, Assistant Professor
George Washington University
Department of Philosophy

Dale Truscott, Visiting Instructor
University of Central Florida
Department of Philosophy

Luke Trusso, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

James Trybendis, Adjunct Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Cornelia Tsakiridou, Professor
La Salle University
Department of Philosophy

Andrea Tschemplik, Assistant Professor
American University
Department of Philosophy

Voula Tsouna, Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Philosophy

KENJI TSUDA, Associate Professor
Kyoto University
Division of Philosophy

Paul Tudico, Lecturer
East Tennessee State University
Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Laura Tuennerman, Professor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of History, Philosophy and Modern Languages

Allan Tulchin, Professor
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
School of Humanities

Patrick Tully, Professor
University of Scranton
Department of Philosophy

Robert Tully, Visiting Professor
Bard College
Department of Philosophy

Yunus Tuncel, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Yunus Tuncel, Adjunct Associate Professor
CUNY Lehman College
Department of Philosophy


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