Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Mark Warren, Assistant Professor
Daemen College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Mary Anne Warren, Professor Emeritus
North Carolina State University
Department of Philosophy

Nicolas de Warren, Assistant Professor
Wellesley College
Department of Philosophy

Paul Warren, Associate Professor
Florida International University
Department of Philosophy

Jacob L. C. Waschenfelder, Associate Professor
University of Alberta, Augustana Faculty
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Jonathan Waskan, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Philosophy

Roger Wasserman, Senior Lecturer
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

University of California, Santa Cruz
Department of Philosophy

Alan Waters, Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Suffolk University
Department of Philosophy

Alan Waters, Instructor
Boston College
Department of Philosophy

C. Kenneth Waters, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Philosophy

Rachel Waterstradt, Adjunct Professor
Azusa Pacific University
Department of Philosophy

Margaret Watkins, Professor
Providence College
Department of Philosophy

Michael Watkins, Associate Professor
Auburn University
Department of Philosophy

Lori Watson, Assistant Professor
University of San Diego
Department of Philosophy


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