Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Nicholas J. Wernicki, Associate Professor
Albright College
Department of Philosophy

Remei Capdevila Werning, Lecturer
Harvard University
Department of Philosophy

Janet Wesselius, Assistant Professor
University of Alberta, Augustana Faculty
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Janet Wesselius, Assistant Professor
The University of Alberta - Augustana Campus
Department of Philosophy

Caroline West, Senior Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Philosophy

Henry West, Professor
Macalester College
Department of Philosophy

Nicholas Westberg, Lecturer
Boston University
Department of Philosophy

Andrea Westlund, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Philosophy

Robert B. Westmoreland, Associate Professor
University of Mississippi
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Robert Weston, Associate Professor
Bard College
Department of Philosophy

Thomas Weston, Professor
San Diego State University
Department of Philosophy

Jonathan Westphal, Professor
Idaho State University
Department of English & Philosophy

Yolande Mary Westwell-Roper, Instructor
Capilano University
Department of Philosophy

Howard K. Wettstein, Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Philosophy

James Wetzel, Professor
Villanova University
Department of Philosophy


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