Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Linda Wetzel, Associate Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Philosophy

Mark R. Wheeler, Associate Professor
San Diego State University
Department of Philosophy

Samuel C. Wheeler, Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Philosophy

John Whelan, Professor
Lycoming College
Department of Philosophy

Curt Whitaker, Professor
Idaho State University
Department of English & Philosophy

Alan White, Professor
Williams College
Department of Philosophy

Amy E. White, Associate Professor
Ohio University
Department of Philosophy

Daniel White, Assistant Professor
Mississippi College
Department of English and Philosophy

David White, Adjunct Professor
University of Scranton
Department of Philosophy

Harvey W. White, Professor
Bishop's University
Department of Philosophy

Jefferson White, Professor
University of Maine
Department of Philosophy

Kevin White, Associate Professor
The Catholic University of America
Schoole of Philosophy

Leo White, Lecturer
Morgan State University
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Michael J. White, Professor
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Department of Philosophy

Quinn White, Assistant Professor
Harvard University
Department of Philosophy


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