Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

Darius Makuja, Associate Professor
Le Moyne College
Department of Religious Studies

William Malas, Professor
Eastern Nazarene College
Department of Religion and Culture

Ruthie Malenda, Associate Professor
Moravian College
Department of Humanities

Jeffrey Mallinson, Instructor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Theology

Colleen Mallon, Assistant Professor
St. John's University
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Maeve Malone
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Religious Studies

Derek Malone-France, Associate Professor
George Washington University
Department of Philosophy

Michael Maloney, Lecturer
Seton Hall University
Department of Religious Studies

David Maltsberger, Professor
Wayland Baptist University
School of Christian Studies

Maria Mamfredis, Adjunct Professor
Concordia University
Department of Religion

Lawrence A. Mamiya, Professor
Vassar College
Department of Religion

Eric Manchester, Adjunct Lecturer
Caldwell College
Department of Theology and Philosophy

Silvia Mancini, Professor
Universite De Lausanne
Section de sciences des religions

Peter Mango, Adjunct Instructor
Mount Saint Mary College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

LeRhonda S. Manigault, Assistant Professor
Wake Forest University
Department of Religion


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