Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

Gerald Mershimer, Assistant Professor
Ohio Christian University
Department of Theology and Ministry

Ted Merwin, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Religion

Clair Mesick, Assistant Professor
Calvin College
Department of Religion

Tim Messenger, Lecturer
Anna Maria College
Department of Theology

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary-Overbrook
School of Theological Studies

Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary

GREG A. MEYER, Associate Professor
Oral Roberts University
School of Theology and Ministry

Chris Meyers, Assistant Professor
University of Southern Mississippi
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Thomas Michael, Assistant Professor
Boston University
Department of Religion

Francine Michaud, Adjunct Professor
University of Calgary
Department of Religious Studies

Michael Middendorf, Professor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Theology

Calin-Andrei Mihailescu, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Deptartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

Kocsev Miklós, Professor
Károli Gáspár University
Department of Practical Theology

John Milbank, Professor
University of Nottingham
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Rogers Miles, Professor
Whitman College
Department of Religion


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