Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

Robert Miller, Professor
The Catholic University of America
Department of Religious Studies

University of Kansas
Department of Religious Studies

Roy Millhouse, Assistant Professor
Sterling College, Kansas
Department of Biblical Studies

John Milloy, Assistant Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Christian Studies and Global Citizenship

Libbie Mills, Assistant Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Religion

Steve Mills, Assistant Professor
Northwest University
College of Ministry

Douglas Milne, Adjunct Professor
Roberts Wesleyan College
Department of Religion and Philosophy

Jean-René Milot, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Religious Studies

Anselm Kyongsuk Min, Professor
Claremont Graduate University
School of Religion

Nelson H. Minnich, Professor
The Catholic University of America
Department of Religious Studies

Anna Minore, Professor
King's College
Department of Theology

Joe Mintoff, Lecturer
University of Newcastle
Department of Theology and Religious

PAUL MIRECKI, Associate Professor
University of Kansas
Department of Religious Studies

Gary Mitchell, Associate Professor
Wayland Baptist University
School of Christian Studies

Matt Mitchell, Visiting Assistant Professor
Allegheny College
Department of Religious Studies


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