Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

William Nelson, Professor
Westmont College
Department of Religious Studies

Kirsten L. Nestro, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie

Ron Neufeldt, Professor
University of Calgary
Department of Religious Studies

Jacob Neusner, Research Professor
Bard College
Department of Religion

David Neville, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
School of Theology

Robert Neville, Professor
Boston University
Department of Religion

ERIC NEWBERG, Senior Professor
Oral Roberts University
School of Theology and Ministry

Quincy D. Newell, Assistant Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of Religious Studies

Guy M. Newland, Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Barbara Newman, John Evans Professor Of Latin Language And Literature
University of Western Ontario
Department of English

Jae Newman, Adjunct Professor
Roberts Wesleyan College
Department of English

Judith H. Newman, Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Religion

Louis Newman, Professor
Carleton College
Department of Religion

Merissa A. Newton, Adjunct Instructor
University of New England
School of Humanities

Dennis Ng, Visiting Professor
Liverpool Hope University
Department of Theology and Biblical Studies


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