Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

Daniel K. Philbrick
University of Maine at Augusta
Department of Humanities

Mary Philip, Associate Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Christian Studies and Global Citizenship

Craig Phillips, Lecturer
Saint Anselm College
Department of Theology

Carlos R. Piar, Professor
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Religious Studies

George F. Pickens, Professor
Messiah College
Department of Biblical and Religious Studies

Jonathan Pickle, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Christine M Pierce, Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Joanne M. Pierce, Associate Professor
College of the Holy Cross
Department of Religious Studies

Monica Schaap Pierce, Adjunct Professor
Calvin College
Department of Religion

Jacques Pierre, Associate Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Religious Studies

Geneviève Pigeon, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Religious Studies

Jo-Ann Pilardi, Emeritus Professor
Towson University
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Ahida Pilarski, Professor
Saint Anselm College
Department of Theology

University of the Western Cape
Department of Religion and Theology

Colin Pilney, Instructor
College of New Jersey
Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Classical Studies


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