Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3780 members found

Daniel Polish, Adjunct Instructor
Mount Saint Mary College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Eleanor Pontoriero, Adjunct Instructor
University of Toronto
Department of Religion

Andrea Ponzone, Instructor
Boston College
School of Theology and Ministry

Donald Poochigian, Professor
University of North Dakota
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Michael Pope, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Jennifer Porter, Assistant Professor
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Religious Studies

William Portier, Professor
University of Dayton
Department of Religious Studies

John Portmann, Assistant Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Religious Studies

Ailie Posillico, Adjunct Professor
Villanova University
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Jana Postma
Kuyper College
Department of Theological Studies

Stephen Pothoff, Assistant Professor
Wilmington College, Wilmington Ohio
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Matthew L. Potts, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Religion

Manhattan College
Department of Religious Studies

David N. Power, Professor Emeritus
The Catholic University of America
Department of Religious Studies

Major Bruce Power, Adjunct Professor
William & Catherine Booth College
Department of Religious Studies


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