Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Elena G. Procario-Foley, Professor
Iona College
Department of Religious studies

Jason Protass, Assistant Professor
Brown University
Department of Religion

Stephen Prothero, Professor
Boston University
Department of Religion

Joseph Prud'homme, Associate Professor
Washington College
Department of Philosophy And Religion

Bernard P. Prusak, Emeritus Professor
Villanova University
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Theodore Pulcini, Associate Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Religion

Reinhard PUMMER, Emeritus Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Religious Studies

Erika Puni, Lecturer
Avondale College
Faculty of Theology

Arthur Purcaro, Adjunct Professor
Villanova University
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Brendan Purcell, Adjunct Professor
University of Notre Dame Australia
School of Philosophy and Theology

Teena Purohit, Associate Professor
Boston University
Department of Religion

Gordon Purves, Associate Professor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie

David P. Putney, Associate Professor
Old Dominion University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Sharon L. Putt, Professor
Messiah College
Department of Biblical and Religious Studies

Paul Putz
Baylor University
George W. Truett Theological Seminary


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