Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Nora Rubel, Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Religion and Classics

Mary-Jane Victoria Rubenstein, Visiting Assistant Professor
Wesleyan University
Department of Religion

Christopher Ruddy, Associate Professor
The Catholic University of America
Department of Religious Studies

Jonathan Ruehs, Assistant Professor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Theology

Dave Rueter, Lecturer
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Theology

Marc V. Rugani, Assistant Professor
Saint Anselm College
Department of Theology

Gilberto Ruiz, Associate Professor
Saint Anselm College
Department of Theology

T.S. Rukmani, Professor
Concordia University
Department of Religion

Mark Ruml, Professor
University of Winnipeg
Department of Religious Studies

Leah Parsell Rumsey
Harvard University
Department of Religion

Edmund RUNGGALDIER, Professor
University of Innsbruck
Faculty of Catholic Theology

Erin Runions, Assistant Professor
Pomona College
Department of Religious Studies

Tinu Ruparell, Assistant Professor
University of Calgary
Department of Religious Studies

Louis Ruprecht, Associate Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Religious Studies

Ormond Rush, Associate Professor
Australian Catholic University
School of Theology (Brisbane)


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