Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Thomas A. Shannon, Emeritus Professor
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Humanities & Arts

Marc B. Shapiro, Professor
University of Scranton
Department of Theology / Religious Studies

Patricia Sharbaugh, Associate Professor
Saint Vincent College
Department of Theology

Arvind Sharma, Professor
McGill University
School of Religious Studies

Isaac B. Sharp, Visiting Assistant Professor
Union Theological Seminary
Department of Theology

Mary Jo Sharp, Assistant Professor
Houston Baptist University
School of Christian Thought

Gilad Sharvit, Assistant Professor
Towson University
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

David Shaw, Adjunct Instructor
University of Northwestern - St. Paul
School of Theology and Ministry

Gregory J. Shaw, Professor
Stonehill College
Department of Religious Studies

Adam Shear, Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Religious Studies

Thomas Sheehan, Professor
Stanford University
Department of Religious Studies

Dwight Sheets, Adjunct Professor
Regent University
School of Divinity

DAVID SHEFFERMAN, Associate Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Religious Studies

Thomas Shelley, Professor
Fordham University
Department of Theology

Glen Shellrude, Professor
Nyack College
School of Alliance Theological Seminary


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