Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Siena College
Department of Religion Studies

Guy-Robert St-Arnaud, Assistant Professor
Universite de Montreal
Institute of Religious Studies

Mary Ann Stachow, Assistant Professor
Xavier University of Louisiana
Department of Theology

John G. Stackhouse, Professor
Crandall University
Department of Religious Studies

John Stafford, Adjunct Instructor
William & Catherine Booth College
Department of Religious Studies

Devan Stahl, Assistant Professor
Baylor University
Department of Religion

Benjamin Stahlberg, Visiting Instructor
Colgate University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Hamsa Stainton, Assistant Professor
McGill University
School of Religious Studies

Robert Stallman, Professor
Northwest University
College of Ministry

Aaron Stalnaker, Assistant Professor
Indiana University
Department of Religious Studies

JEFFERY STARK, Associate Professor
Olivet Nazarene University
School of Theology and Christian Ministry

Keith Starkenburg, Professor
Trinity Christian College
Department of Theology and Christian Ministry

Charles Starkey, Assistant Professor
Clemson University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Roger Starner, Adjunct Professor
Regent University
School of Divinity

Justin K Stearns, Assistant Professor
Middlebury College
Department of Religion


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