Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Corey Walker, Assistant Professor
Brown University
Department of African Studies

Kelvin Walker, Adjunct Professor
Nyack College
School of Alliance Theological Seminary

Nathan C. Walker, Lecturer
Rutgers University at Camden
School of Humanities

Ruth Walker, Lecturer
University of Waikato
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Tanner Ethan Walker, Visiting Assistant Professor
Wesleyan University
Department of Religion

Arthur Walker-Jones, Professor
University of Winnipeg
Department of Religious Studies

Cynthia Wallace, Assistant Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of English

Dewey Wallace, Professor
George Washington University
Department of Religion

Kathleen Wallace, Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Kent Wallace, Lecturer
Anna Maria College
Department of Theology

Mark I Wallace, Associate Professor
Swarthmore College
Department of Religion

Vesna Wallace, Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Religious Studies

Andrew Walls, Professor
Liverpool Hope University
Department of Theology and Biblical Studies

Ingrid Reneau Walls, Research Professor
Liverpool Hope University
Department of Theology and Biblical Studies

Randy C. Walls, Professor
Evangel University
Department of Theology and Global Church Ministries


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