Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Jack Russell Weinstein, Associate Professor
University of North Dakota
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Stanley Weinstein, Emeritus Professor
Yale University
Department of Religious Studies

Robert F. Weir, Professor
University of Iowa
Department of Religious Studies

Joseph E. Weiss, Professor
Boston College
School of Theology and Ministry

Rick Weiss, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Religious Studies

Steven Weitzman, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Religious Studies

Tova Weitzman, Lecturer
Vassar College
Department of Religion

Guy R. Welbon, Associate Professor Emeritus
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Religious Studies

Larry L Welborn, Professor
Fordham University
Department of Theology

DOUG WELCH, Professor
Ozark Christian College
Department of Biblical and Theological Studies

Shay Welch, Assistant Professor
Spelman College
Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy

David Wellman, Assistant Professor
DePaul University
Department of Religious Studies

Keith Wells, Associate Professor
Denver Seminary
Department of Theological Studies

Mark Wells, Assistant Professor
Northeastern University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Mark Wells, Professor
Montreat College
Department of Bible and Theology


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