Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

3781 members found

Sydney D. White, Associate Professor
Temple University
Department of Religion

Thomas White, Lecturer
University of Otago
Department of Theology & Religious Studies

Wade White, Adjunct Lecturer
Crandall University
Department of Religious Studies

Deborah Whitehead, Assistant Professor
Colorado College
Department of Religious Studies

Richard Whitekettle, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Religion

David Whitford, Professor
Baylor University
Department of Religion

Timothy Wickham-Crowley, Associate Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Regional and Comparative Studies

Danielle Widmann Abraham, Associate Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Bradley J. Widstrom, Associate Professor
Denver Seminary
Department of Theological Studies

Laura Widstrom, Associate Professor
Spring Arbor University
Department of Theology

Laura Widstrom, Associate Professor
Spring Arbor University
Department of Theology

Mark Wiebe, Assistant Professor
Lubbock Christian University
College of Biblical Studies

Edward Wierenga, Emeritus Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Religion and Classics

Gloria Wiese, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Bethel University
Department of Biblical & Theological Studies

Walter R. Wifall, Professor
St. John's University
Department of Theology and Religious Studies


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