Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

203 members found

Robert Kimball, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Philosophy

Katie Kleinkopf, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Linguistics/Humanities

Maggie Kloentrup, Lecturer
University of Louisville
Department of Classical/Modern Languages

Avery Kolers, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Philosophy

Karen Kopelson, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Department of English

Tobias Christopher Lee, Lecturer
University of Louisville
Department of English

Robin Lee Mozer, Associate Professor
University of Louisville
Department of English

Heather Lehocky, Lecturer
University of Louisville
Department of English

Alan Leidner, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Classical/Modern Languages

Brian Leung, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Department of English

Robert D. Luginbill, Associate Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Classical/Modern Languages

Deborah Lutz, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of English

Thomas C. Mackey, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of History

Estella Majozo, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of English

Mary Makris, Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Classical/Modern Languages


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