esports, games cultures, games fandom
the avatar, subjectivity, identity, and identification
game politics and economies, both in-game and in community
play, narratives, meta-play, meta-narratives
Media infrastructures and technologies:
platform studies, infrastructure studies
e-governance, platforming of government systems
smart city projects, surveillance, online/offline tracking
study of networks and networked cultures
digital economies, digital fabrication
questions of data value, digital ethics,
Media theory
politically conscious media theories (feminism, post-colonial, anti-racist, queer approaches)
theories for new technologies, new subjectivities
digital economic theories and/or 4th industrial revolution
Marxist media theory and changing systems of labour
theories of the post-digital
theories of globalisation, imperialism, and the role of automation in these
Innovative methods projects
mixed-methods approaches
social network analyses, platform analysis via API or scraped datasets
critical engagement with epistemologies of digital research