Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Nayef AL- Joulan

  • Professor
  • Nayef AL- Joulan
  • Departments of English Language and Literature
  • http://www.aabu.edu.jo/findex.jsp?id=3&dept=307
  • Al Al-Bayt University
  • P.O.BOX 130040
    Mafraq 25113
  • PhD
  • 1999
  • Glasgow University
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  • July 2011- Now\\r\\n \\r\\nProfessor (to be conferred): Department of English Language and Literature \\r\\nUniversity of Al Al-Bayt, \\r\\nMafraq, Jordan\\n\\n\\r\\n2010-Now\\n\\nMember of the Editorial Board:\\r\\nStudies in Language and Literature\\r\\nISSN 1923-1555 [Print]; ISSN 1923-1563 [Online]\\r\\nCanadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, \\r\\nMontreal, Canada\\n\\n\\r\\nJanuary 2008 - April 2010\\n\\nMember of the Editorial Board:\\r\\nJordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature\\r\\nDeanship of Graduate Studies, \\r\\nYarmouk University, \\r\\nIrbid, Jordan \\n\\n\\r\\nAugust 2006 - 2010\\r\\n \\r\\nMember of the Board of Trustees:\\r\\nAmman Private University \\n\\n\\r\\nSept. 2006- 2007\\r\\n \\r\\nElected Member of the University Council \\r\\nUniversity of Al Al-Bayt, \\r\\nMafraq, Jordan\\n\\n\\r\\nJuly 2006 - Now\\r\\n \\r\\nAssociate Professor: Department of English Language and Literature University of Al Al-Bayt, \\r\\nMafraq, Jordan\\n\\n\\n\\n1 July – 12 Aug. 2003\\n\\nVisiting Scholar: \\r\\nDepartment of English\\r\\nNorthern Illinois University, \\r\\nChicago, USA\\n\\n\\r\\n17 Sept. 2000- June 2006\\r\\n \\r\\nAssistant Professor: \\r\\nDepartment of English Language and Literature\\r\\nUniversity of Al Al-Bayt,\\r\\nMafraq, Jordan\\n\\n\\r\\nMarch 2000-January 2004\\r\\n \\r\\nChairman: Department of English Language and Literature\\r\\nUniversity of Al Al-Bayt,\\r\\nMafraq, Jordan \\n\\n\\r\\n8 Nov. 1999-16 Sept. 2000\\n\\nLecturer in English: Department of English Language and Literature\\r\\nUniversity of Al Al-Bayt,\\r\\nMafraq, Jordan\\n\\n\\r\\n1994-1996\\r\\n \\r\\nTeacher of English \\r\\nMinistry of Education. \\r\\nJordan)\\r\\n \\n\\n1994-1994\\r\\n \\r\\nLecturer in English \\r\\nMafraq Private College, Jordan)\\n\\n\\r\\n1993-1993\\r\\n \\r\\nTeaching Assistant \\r\\nDepartment of English, Yarmouk University \\r\\nJordan\\n\\nResearch and Publications\\n\\nTheses\\r\\n1. “‘Essenced to Language’: The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Glasgow, 1999.\\n\\n2. “The Image of the Hero in the English Poetry of the Great War,” Masters Thesis, Yarmouk University, 1996.\\n\\nMonographs/Books\\n\\n1. \\\'Essenced to Language\\\': The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007.\\n\\n2. Gynoconstruction; Feminist Literary Criticism: Theory and Practice. Amman: Juhaina, 2007.\\n\\n3. Cognitive Ekphrasis and Painting in Words: Theory and Application. Amman: Aila and Zahran, 2008)\\n\\nPublished and accepted refereed journal articles\\n\\n1. “Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz: Arab American Feminism and Literature,” Mosaic, vol. 43, no. 4 (2010), Canada.\\n\\n2. “Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz: The Orphic Vision of Arab American Identity and Literature,” Neophilologus, vol. 94: 637–652 (2010), Netherlands.\\n\\n3. “Islam in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery,” published in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 2 (2010): 29-39.\\n\\n4. “Feminist Politics of Location: Staging Sexuality and Violence in the Drama of Griselda Gambaro,” accepted in Women\\\'s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2011).\\n\\n5. “Contending Heterotopic Artistic Space and Spatial/Stretched Time in T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’,” accepted in Miscelanea, Spain, vol. 42 (Nov. 2010). \\n\\n6. “Below the level of the visible: The Mathematics and Physics of Space in Jane Smiley’s A Thousand Acres,” Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 3 (2010): 83-96.\\n\\n7. “Dis/Continuities: Natural and Artistic Landscape/Seascape in T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” and S.T. Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”,” Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 4 (2010): 18-25.\\n\\n8. “Heterotopological Space in Emily Dickinson’s Poem 632 ‘The Brain—is wider than the sky—‘,” Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 2 (Fall 2009): 1-14. \\n\\n9. “Content is in the Character: Critique of Arab and American Cultures in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz,” Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 19-30.\\n\\n10. “The Criticism of Evasion: the Non-literary Margins in T. S. Eliot’s Early Criticism,” Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 5 (2010): 16-25. \\n\\n11.

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