Dr. Ajani's research interests are in the New Englishes, with emphasis on Nigerian English; the language of African literature, with specific emphasis on the English of Amos Tutuola, and Wole Soyinka; Yoruba language and linguistics; English and French as Second or Foreign languages; and Action Research. Some of Ajani's works have appeared in the following publications: Journal of Nigeria Studies, West Africa Review, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Modern Language Journal, African Studies Quarterly and Calliope, among others. He has also published two volumes of poetry: Rivers of Refreshing (2009) and Streams of Refreshing (2008). His paper "Is there indeed a 'Nigerian English?' (2007) has been cited more than a couple dozen times, and continues to be cited by many authors writing on issues related to the nature, variation and change; as well as the role of the English language worldwide.